Another Reason Why We Need Medicare For All

Another Reason Why We Need Medicare For All
Many employer-based health insurance plans just aren’t good enough for many Americans. Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian and Megan Gailey discuss on The Young Turks. MORE TYT: Read more here: "The share of Americans covered by employer polices has been drifting downward over the past two decades, and according to a recent US Census Bureau report, the share covered by private insurance has not statistically changed. This indicates low-income people are not landing positions with benefits. Only one in three employees at lower-wage firms are likely to be enrolled in employer-based health plans, compared to 63 percent of workers at other companies. They are also less likely to be eligible and are forced to pay more for their plans. The 2020 Democratic primary campaign has put a spotlight on employer-based plans, which cover about 153 million Americans. Progressive candidates, such as Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, want to move from employer-sponsored coverage to a national, government-run health insurance system to ensure that everyone is covered. Other candidates, like former Vice President Joe Biden, are defending the current system." Hosts: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, Megan Gailey Cast: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, Megan Gailey *** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET. Subscribe to The Young Turks on YouTube: TYT on Facebook: TYT on Twitter: TYT on Instagram: Merch: Donate to TYT Download audio and video of the full two-hour show on-demand + the members-only postgame show by becoming a member at Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Gift membership: Producer, Senior Producer and Executive Producer membership: Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. A young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary) #TYT #TheYoungTurks #CenkUygur
