Tear gas, water canon used to halt Hong Kong protests on umbrella movement anniversary | ABC News

Tear gas, water canon used to halt Hong Kong protests on umbrella movement anniversary | ABC News
The fifth anniversary of Hong Kong's first popular resistance movement has ended with police firing water canon and tear-gas to clear the streets. Acts of gentle symbolism have been organised to mark the 2014 democracy campaign known as the "umbrella movement". And, although tens of thousands of people took part peacefully, authorities used force to move crowds on with some protesters attacking government buildings later in the night. ABC correspondent Greg Jennett reports. Image: AP/Vincent Thian Read more here: https://ift.tt/2nrAtoR For more from ABC News, click here: https://ab.co/2kxYCZY If you're in Australia, you can watch more ABC News content on iview: https://ab.co/2mge4KH Subscribe to us on YouTube: http://ab.co/1svxLVE Go deeper on our ABC News In-depth channel: https://ab.co/2lNeBn2 You can also like us on Facebook: https://ift.tt/1hqX5dh Or follow us on Instagram: https://ift.tt/1eOTzGY Or even on Twitter: http://twitter.com/abcnews
